Anyone else think it is time?

How cool would it be for Wappler to have its own Font Awesome Icon.

Hint Hint :grinning:


Rather than the Wordpress icon? Am sure it is, forgive me if I am wrong!

On a spin-off. I once knew a font designer, who also wrote the text for greetings cards (those rhymes and sentimental goings on). Got paid an absolute fortune! Smoked about 80 a day and carried around numerous pads of paper. Back in the days when DTP was the buzzword! Was a very interesting man. For the life of me I can not remember the fonts he created but quite a few were extremely popular in the publishing world.

Yes, that really sticks in the throat that the WordPress icon is the closest approximation!

Just had to do this, that’s what made me think…


The irony of it being the Wordpress icon and many of us Wappler uses detest Wordpress is not lost on me. I do wonder if its intentional and a bit of frivolity on the Teams part…?


I recon they (WP) stole it off Volkswagen anyway

Some say…


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Forgot to mention,I use weekly fa,better fit