I am surprised to see very little chat about AI integration there is on the forum…
Has anybody been able to implement an ai element within their node.js bootstrap web app yet??
I would like to implement the claude api within an app I am creating.
Could anybody advise me on the best/most simple method of achieving this, should I go the python route how is that done or is there a better way?
Yes, I tried ChatGPT and it was relatively straightforward, there’s some posts about it in this forum knocking about. They have a fairly comprehensive API that Wappler easily plugs in to.
Yes to AI generally with a large amount of integration with ChatGPT. The only real issue i’ve come up against is working with the assistant (as it requires constant pings to confirm if the response is finished before getting it) and the timeout that this can cause as I’m not aware of any Wappler standard for keep-alive. Backend’s fine, this is only an issue when interacting with the frontend / user.