Any wappler tutorial or info that explains how add an image to a table generator from a database or from a folder

Image to a table generator from database or folder.

Or anyone knows how to do it.


Generate your table first, set the content type to custom and then after the table is generated add your images in the <td> tags.

And if I want to show a blob image from database?

Is always a problem for me backend front end I do not have any problem :slight_smile:


Have you already started storing the images as blobs. I tend to store the images on S3 and save the URL in the DB, rather than the actual picture.

That’s a really bad idea.
Store your images as files on the server and only store their names/paths in the database.

I’m experimenting because real I do not know how to do it I try it with blob.

As @Teodor says, DON’T save the blob. Upload the file, resize/adjust as you want and then save to the server or S3 storage. You then save the location to the DB.

Ok I have all images stored at the moment. How i can show them in a table together with other information.

If you save the image path in the DB, add an image to your <TD> . Then choose dynamic attributes > Image source and choose the field in the repeat where the path has been saved

How many images are stored, would it be too problematic to change it? If you’re near the beginning of the project, I would recommend changing your approach now before you get too far in…

I’m just experimenting in in a sub domain. They are 123 images. I’m still learning back end in wappler . Another question, where is dynamic attributes?

I’m changing all design and structure of this project


Check out adding images/galleries here:

Although aimed at masonry, the principles are the same for tables.

bjp Thank you I was in a meeting I’m going to check this for sure.

Have a great day.

Hi Teodor, can you give an example of what you saying.

i was in a meeting.

Thank you

@Teodor has many examples already as per

  1. Uploading Single File to your Server
  2. Inserting Uploaded File Names in a Database

For more, go to

Hi, Ben Thank you.
To populate images into a table generator, How I do that? Wappler does that? See this experiment below. On the right side of the table where it says fittings image, I want to have pictures they are 123; I have to do it by hand?

After you generate the table add the image tag in the td…

  1. Make a Server Connect query to load the dbase table with your images
  2. In APP connect > Data > Server Connect: make a connection to you query
  3. In your column where you want to show the table: Generators > Bootstrap 4 Table Generator
  4. Populate from your Data > Server Connect

Then this should be your result:

  1. Find the table cell where it says <td dmx-text="image"></td> and inside it add <img> and remove “dmx-text=“image”” so it reads : <td><img></td>
  2. Select the img tag and click on Dynamic Attributes > Image Source.
  3. Select the Lightning bolt and add the folder where your images are stored.

You can adjust width etc in Image Properties.

The result should be:

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Thank you this can be a great help. I am going to try.

Inside the database images as BLOB will be enough to connect the images, or we need to have them in a a server folder?

Thank you

Placing the images as a blob in the database is a bad idea. Place them in a folder and the image name (and path) in the database.