Any magic trick to make 'Select' the default of a RestAPI-populated country list?

I’d like to display ‘Select’ (doesnt exist in the API schema) instead of Afghanistan as the default in my select field. Any trick to make this happen? Anything I can do with the static events maybe?

Just removing the selected value binding should do that.

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So simple, thank you.

Hey Sid,
For readers’ clarity, and after a few trials since there was still a little flaw in my setup, here is the setup to ensure that:

  • Select is the default display when the DB field is still empty (value = 0 to enable ‘required’ validation rule),
  • The right data is displayed if it has already been recorded in the DB field (Selected Value = the data from the API action via ServerConnect)

A bit more clarification:
Select in HTML always selects the first item. So required rule here does not have any effect.

Earlier, you were binding with API result value, hence it was matching Afghanistan.
Binding it with DB is more accurate. The ensures that if there is something in the DB, it shows that as selected, else when DB does not have value, the first item is shown as selected.

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