Any interest in Image Optimisation?

This video shows the difference in performance when images are properly optimised.

If any body is interested, I will create a video tut.


Would it be more about optimizing the image itself (i.e. WEBP) or more with how Wappler/your site shows it(i.e. lazyload)? or both? I only know the very basic either way and would love to learn more.

It’s more about using

My intention is to Wapplerise this:

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That would be great Ben, this topic has not been covered yet properly, also how to store different size variants on the server/s3 storage, how to calculate the necessary dimensions, or any great api like this that helps with this eg only need to store one copy and with a suffix on the image link defines the necessary size that the api/cdn will deliver to the client, all this combined with dynamic lazy load etc. Found lots of small pieces in older videos, but would be great to see an up to date version or what is the most efficient way these days for images on web.

Many thanks!

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Have a look:


Great video ben!


Thank you Brian. Great feedback from a great master!

Fantastic! Thanks Ben!

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What a great video! I have always done this locally before uploading – maybe because I had no idea how simply this could be accomplished. Thanks doesn’t begin to cover it, Ben!

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Will take a look at this soon, thanks for creating this!

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