Animated regions not working

Maybe is me but Animated regions are nor working. I try to use de Hide delay or hide duration and over UI you cant submit any value. Is like only tittle.

Captura de Pantalla 2024-06-20 a la(s) 13.36.57

If I type manually the code seems to not work

<div is="dmx-animate" id="animate1" showeffect="fadeIn" hideeffect="fadeOut" dmx-bind:visible="steps.value==1" style="background-color: red ;" dmx-bind:hidedelay="2000" dmx-bind:hideduration="2000">


Show delay and show duration seems to work is only the Hide dont work the UI and dont work animation itself.

Well what exactly are you doing?
Applying a fade in/fade out animations or using an animated region? And what exactly are you trying to achieve?
You can’t apply both…

Thanks @Teodor

I want that on button click, fade out the region, change the content based on a variable and fade in with the new content loaded. I was thinkig to do it with a flow.

But the first thing I notice is that you cant use the hide delay or the hide duration. You cant submit any value. And hide only disappear without any animation.

Captura de Pantalla 2024-06-20 a la(s) 13.36.57


As a suggestion from @franse I switch to App Connect 1 and hide delay and hide duration work. When I update to App Connect 2 hide stops working. In both cases the UI for Hide Delay and Hide Duration are not available. You need to hand code delay and Duration.

App Connect 1 Video

After update do App Connect 2

On console get this error.

Captura de Pantalla 2024-06-20 a la(s) 18.36.40

index.php:1 Uncaught (in promise) undefined

||Promise.then (async)|||
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
||postMessage (async)|||

Friendly bump. @patrick