Animate Bootstrap 5 Offcanvas on PC

Is there a way to animate the toggling of a bootstrap 5 offcanvas?

Mac by default slides the canvas out, I didn’t have to do anything it worked smooth and awesome. But when I run the same page on a pc based computer (chrome and firefox) it just pops the offcanvas up. I didn’t know if there was a way to animate the same way for a PC using wapplers built in animation controls?

You could try add a css property of transition: 2s;
not sure if there is a easier method

Chrome and Firefox on Windows are controlled by the Windows configurations itself. If you choose reduced animations on Windows configuration than the browsers will match this setting and disable the animations.
Just make sure settings > ease of access > show animations in windows option is not turned off:

once again you are a go genius @teodor, that did the trick. I forgot that sometimes I disable some of that to increase performance. Didn’t realize it affected my browser too!

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