Android Emulator fails on 2nd run

Wappler Version : 3.3.2
Operating System : mac

Expected behavior

Running the Android emulator from the editor should re-use an open emulator of the same type

Actual behavior

First run:

Waiting for emulator to start...
emulator: Requested console port 5584: Inferring adb port 5585.
Waiting for emulator to boot (this may take a while)...BOOT COMPLETE
Reading build config file: /Users/pauka/WapplerProjects/foodie_mobile/build.json
Using apk: /Users/pauka/WapplerProjects/foodie_mobile/platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
Package name: io.popdish.mobileapp

2nd run:

Waiting for emulator to start...
emulator: ERROR: Running multiple emulators with the same AVD is an experimental feature.
Please use -read-only flag to enable this feature.

How to reproduce

Run Android emulator twice within a mobile project

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Well you do have to close the emulator yourself first, to run it again.

We can’t detect if it is already running and also the emulator have to be started again each time.

So when you are done testing, just close it.

Or do you mean it hangs or something?

Seems strange to me. I don’t have to do that with iOS. I also don’t have to close emulator when using Android studio.

I’m seeing now why my workflow has been to use android studio and Xcode.