An action that adds code in our wappler code view?

Hey guys,

I'm just wondering is there a way to add pieces of code (elements, includes etc) in our wappler code view?
I mean like the action that run every time we add a component in our page...

Obviously you can understand that I'm interested in creating a templating system and goings one step further (AI step...) why not propose a layout etc...
Probably I'm asking for too much but it worth asking though

Any thought or idea?

I didn't understand

(just stating that in case you get 0 replies to the topic)

For example...

When I click to add a Dynamic Offcanvas component:

  1. the include is added to my page

  2. the actual Offcanvas is added to my page

Is there a way to add 1 & 2 to my page (wappler code view) without clicking the Dynamic Offcanvas component?

And I don't mean adding it while running the page on browser by using javascript...

Add them, save the page, close, open it again in wappler and it is still there...

Perhaps, I'm not understanding what you mean either. Can't you just copy and paste the code into the code view of the page so you don't have to click on the component? I do that all the time. I'm in code view 98% of the time.

You can actually extend already the blocks with custom extensions!

Exactly the same as building a custom App Connect components but then you have no component and in the Hjson definition you only enter a html template and blocks:true

You can even package and install it as custom extension on npm to distribute easily.

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Hey @TwitchBlade

Thank you for replying buddy.

I'm straggling on building my pages (front-end) layouts...
As I already said, I'm trying to find ways so I can use this great low-code software called wappler to help me create the pages (front-end) that I need faster, more efficient and probably have alternatives.

If I start writting code for everything I need it would be like using vs-code or other similar softwares...

I'm just trying to find out if there is a way to create my own interactive library of assets/actions so I can procced faster on making this front-end (pages) beautifull and be ready so I can work on my back-end...
On my back-end (server-side apis) I want to have the full control and I WANT TO CREATE THEM as better as my knowledge and experience can go...

Thanks @George !!

Once again I'm "small" on this "Custom AppConnect Components" area and have no knowledge...
@Hyperbytes (thanks again brother!!) did a very large step and showcased the creation/handling of server-side custom components and when I have time I will try to experiment on this area. But no luck on the AppConnect area.

Anyway I should just try to start playing with it and ask all the time stupid(maybe?) questions and see how it goes. This is something I hate, I prefer straglling with my code and debug it until I found the correct way/solution. But when I hit on a wall (no knowlwdge) I'll probably quit... :disappointed:

Anyway, what you described looks like what I need but how would that be triggered?
I would beg for a tiny demo/example...
I could list here more details but I don't want to take your valuable time guys for my concerns...
I think you can understand what I need to do (IF POSSIBLE)

@Hyperbytes maybe you can create a demo of how custom blocks can be build as extensions, so that @famousmag can follow your lead :slight_smile:

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Yes, got side-tracked from custom extension series with OneSignal integration however APP connect extensions are coming.

I confess I am still not clear on exactly what you are meaning @famousmag my friend.

Can you give me an example?

@George how are the current "blocks" implemented? I there anything i can hook into at add to blocks rather then using custom extensions?

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@famousmag I think I may be understanding what you're looking for. You want a quick way to create pages with some elements being the same and the content different? To reuse certain parts of a page in other pages? Is that correct? Is your project NodeJS or PHP? If NodeJS, look at partials, if PHP look at includes. Also, if NodeJS you would use Layouts for things like main menus, headers, footers etc. Then the content is rendered in the content view div.


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Thank you all guys for taking your time to understand what I'm looking for...

I'm on mobile at the moment.
I'll try to create a great a visual representation of what I had in mind.

By the way, for my needs, I have found but I have trouble taking its output to wappler...
An extra software is needed figma or webflow and this is too much for my needs...
I thing this could somehow be achieved within wappler in a smaller level of coursecourse
Anyway, thank you all amd I'm sorry to waste your time