Algolia inspired search widget (meilisearch+wappler)

I was recently checking algolia to see what was new in the search world. I bumped into their documentation widget and I thought I would try and mimic it by using Wappler and Meilisearch.

I still got some work to do but I’m pretty happy so far so I might release the App Connect custom component if I’m satisfied with the final result.


Very nice!

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Looks great. I have briefly looks at Algolia in the past, but have found that it requires the data to fed in a specific way, which I never worked on to figure out.

Is it similar with meili search?

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Yes. You need to feed meilisearch in a similar way as algolia. You can create a hook on your SC logic to update Meilisearch or a trigger in your database to update meilisearch with each change. You can also resort to third party tools to keep everything in sync like ETL tools (i.e. airbyte).

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Thanks. Makes sense… Hadn’t thought of it in that way.
But that would mean duplicate data in DB, right? Even if its for certain fields.

Yes, but for very different purposes. Elasticsearch/meilisearch/algolia don’t store relational data and don’t handle data integrity.

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Interesting. Thanks for the insight, I need to read up on this soon. :sweat_smile: