Alert user if there are pending migrations to run

The intention of this feature request is to facilitate working with other developers.

Alert user if there are pending migrations to run upon opening the project, with ability to click the notification to run migrations. Running migrations would trigger a DB schema refresh to prevent issues with stale JSON files from other developers.

@sid @karh what’s your opinion? Do you feel a need for such feature? I don’t have much experience working in a team


We don’t use Wappler’s DB manager at all, so we don’t have any experience with the migration part.
We usually just maintain a list of queries to run post deployment.

I’m all for more automated DB schema refreshes, as I’ve lost another 1.5h yday due to a ‘where’ condition disappearing which seems to be due to wrong schema’s somewhere. Probably caused by branch switching.

But, tbh I don’t see much added value to get notified when opening the project. As there are never pending migrations for me when I open the project. It’s always after switching branches.

@sid Not using wappler’s db manager due to lacking features? We are using it but sometimes anyway need to apply changes using something like Dbeaver. Which is error prone because I might forget to apply these changes in Production later (which happened recently :frowning: )

Our workflows require us to write and test queries which Wappler cannot do. Also, the UX is not good compared to DBeaver and Workbench, and it feels like it might crash the app.

We also, rarely, have experienced forgot-to-run-the-query-in-prod issues… but not a big-enough use case to start using Wappler migration.

I did try Wappler’s migration about a year or two ago, but it did not make sense at all, and kept breaking.
We have discussed using some third-party tool just for migrations, but haven’t acted on it.

We would definitely like to have a Git like flow where migrations get applied when committing to master, and deploy the app as well.

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