Let’s try:
"query": [
"peopleID": 1,
"name": "Jon",
"picture": "picture1.jpg",
"assistMeeting": "",
"meetings": [
"sp1_name": "Jon",
"sp2_name": "Jon"
"peopleID": 2,
"name": "Sandra",
"picture": "picturesandra.jpg",
"assistMeeting": "",
"meetings": [
"sp1_name": "Jon",
"sp2_name": "Sandra"
"sp1_name": "Hideo",
"sp2_name": "Sandra"
"peopleID": 3,
"name": "Hideo",
"picture": "hideo.jpg",
"assistMeeting": "",
"meetings": []
"peopleID": 5,
"name": "Assistant1",
"picture": "12",
"assistMeeting": 23,
"meetings": []
"peopleID": 6,
"name": "Assistant2",
"picture": null,
"assistMeeting": 24,
"meetings": []
Is this correct? Cause if this is correct I have to apologize to you cause I was not able to explain what I’m trying to do 
Do you se peopleID:5 and peopleID: 6?
They are the only ones that have “meetings” empty but “assistMeeting” filled. The reason being is they are not speakers in any meeting, just assistants. Im trying to retrieve the information of the meetings they will assist as assistants peopleID:5 will assist to meeting 23 and peopleID:6 will assist to meeting 24 .
This is the people table:
And this is the meetings table:
Is your solution still valid to achieve that?
Sorry very much for stealing your time.