Wappler Version : 6.5.5
Operating System : Mac OSX 14.5.0 Sonoma
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: local
Expected behavior
What do you think should happen?
If I add options under the dropdown menu, where 3 are given in example, then it adds the option to fill in the 4th item, but it doesn't let you fill it in. I expected to have the option to add text and value.
Actual behavior
What actually happens?
Additional Text and Value are given as a 4th option, but you can't fill in the data manually. It also doesn't save the extra option. You have to restart Wappler to add one option, which then works, save the page and restart again to add another option with text and value.
How to reproduce
Add dropdown to form in vertical form group, click on the dropdown. Look right in the menu to see the given 3 example options. Try to add a 4th. It shows up, but there's no way to add data to it. Not by double-clicking in the entry-fields at least. First save your work, then restart Wappler, add option, then fill in the data, save again and repeat to restart Wappler to add 5th option. Etc.