Adding Mailcore as core feature of Wappler?

I would like to build apps that are capable of sending/receiving email. Would it be possible to integrate something like MailCore2 into Wappler to make it easier to configure?

More details here:


Why not just use the API connector and mailchimp if the current mail component is not suitable?

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MailChimp is for newsletters.

Mailcore is for building apps that connect to and send/receive email through imap/pop3/smtp. Basically, it allows you to build an email client.

Wappler doesn’t build native apps, it builds websites/apps based on html. Cordova is used to produce a native app, when there is a cordova plugin using Mailcore, then you could use that, we don’t support building native apps directly within Wappler.

is there a walkthrough for connecting to Mailchimp ?

I don’t think there is a Mailchimp specific tutorial on this, but here is a link to Mailchimp’s API.

Milcore is unfortunatey a native obj-c library for native apps only. In Wappler we support web technologies and already have a great server side component for sending mails.

If you need more bulk mailing you can indeed use the API component to connect to any services you want.

Thanks @George. Mailcore is not just for sending. It’s also for receiving and parsing/compiling of emails, but I’ll look for other ways to accomplish my need.