Adding info popup with set width and dynamic binding on mouse over🔎

What’s up guys?
Beginner’s question today, how can I have the dynamic html link to display inside a simple popup on mouse over?

Hey Fred,
You could just add a Dynamic Event / Display / Popover (or Tooltip). Then specify your content/trigger for the Popover/Tooltip within configuration.

Is that what you’re after?

Beautiful! Thank you Dave.

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Anyway I can adjust the width though @Teodor - somewhere in the php code?

Remember what you see is not necessarily what your Users will see, so adjusting the width will make little difference in reality, although may display fine for you others may well be different again.

Is that bootstrap 4 or 5?
What do you want to adjust exactly? How wide do you need the popover to be - what defines its width? What is its content exactly?

Using BS5.
Content is dynamic.
I’d like to adjust the popup window’s max width so my html line appear on one line in most case scenario. I like the property options we are given for toast for example.

Well i see in Bootstrap css that the popover class is limited to max-width: 276px
You can try overriding this by adding:

.popover { 
    max-width: 100% !important;

to your custom CSS file.

Where did you find that info? I inspected the page to no avail.
And could not find anything here either:

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