Add Site definer to remote form Actions?

When working with Security Provider forms using Actions based within another Project would it be possible to add the site definer to the string?


<form method="post" action="" id="SignInForm" is="dmx-serverconnect-form" dmx-on:success="Browser.goto(example.html')"
					dmx-on:unauthorized="Notifications.danger('Access to Example has FAILED!')">

Would like to see:

<form method="post" action="" id="SignInForm" site="" is="dmx-serverconnect-form" dmx-on:success="Browser.goto(example.html')"
					dmx-on:unauthorized="Notifications.danger('Access to Example has FAILED!')">

Reason being is if using an alternative Project as the source for this Security Action without the Site definer you can not select from the Data for the corresponding Action to carry out further Actions etc. Example forwarding based on a user group for example.

Thanks for considering.
