Add Copy, Paste, Duplicate to Elements Menu

Just a minor request. It’d make it easier for those that like the visual workflow, to duplicate, or copy and paste elsewhere the element they right-clicked on. (In this case, ‘Column’.) Example below in graphic.

BTW, love the way Wappler is looking visually. If this is your work @Teodor , great job!

(Please vote!)

I’m not even sure what the request is?

Hi Brad, there is already a duplicate menu item available. Taken the column as an example, this places the said column after the existing column. The request is to be able to duplicate the column in another part of the document.

The current method is to move the duplicate column in code view.

Actually, come to think of it, the duplicate column can be moved to another part of the document in App Connect. This nullifies this feature request.

@ben, how do you do that? When i right click on a column I don’t see any duplicate option. So i have to add a second column by right-clicking the row again. Might be my new onset of old age. Who knows. Probably is. But I’m not seeing it.


PS: Great to see you back again!

I’m blaming it on stupid Slack notifications on my Mac. You can delete this thread if you want. I’m crawling in a hole. :). And Good to see you too. :slight_smile: Hope things have been good for you.

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