Activate Button Which Executes a GET Server Connect on Pressing Enter

Is there a way to get Wappler to execute the pressing of a button which is not a submit button upon the user pressing [Enter]?

I found this javascript that does it:

But I was hoping there was a nice little Wappler event I could put on it without resorting to JS.


What is your use case, Antony? Can you explain more?

Keep in mind that even using JS it is likely to fail on mobile devices.

It’s just a button that executes a server connect… but I want the user to be able to execute that server connect by pressing enter as well as by clicking on the button…

It is the beginning of a process of filling in a booking form.

You can do this within Wappler. Here’s an old but relevant thread. For example you can use left/right arrow keys to load previous/next set of records, in this case attaching dmx-on:keyup.arrowleft etc to the <body> tag.


That’s very interesting to know! Thanks for posting that, Tom!

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Thank you Tom, that is amazing! :slight_smile:

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