AC2 Select with repeating options does not change value

Wappler Version : 6.2.1 BETA
Operating System :
Server Model:
Database Type:
Hosting Type:

Expected behavior

A select element using dynamic options using a repeat should be functional

Actual behavior

The select always shows the first option

How to reproduce

The following select will always display the value for “1” regardless of its bound value, and will not change after making a selection.

                     <select dmx-bind:id="inp_servings_block_partial_{{$index}}" dmx-bind:data-meal_block_id="this_meal_block_mobile.value.meal_block_id" id="inp_servings_block_partial" class="select-css serving_block_select" name="servings_block2" dmx-bind:value="this_meal_block_mobile.value.servings" dmx-on:click.stop.prevent="run({condition:{if:`!edit_mode.value`,then:{steps:{run:{action:``}}}}})">
                        <option value="1">1 <%=_('translations.serving')%></option>
                        <option dmx-bind:value="$value+1" dmx-repeat:each_serving_option="49">{{$value+1}} <%=_('translations.servings')%></option>


Here is a stripped down version that exhibits the issue:

                   <select dmx-bind:id="inp_servings_block_partial_{{$index}}" id="inp_servings_block_partial" class="select-css serving_block_select" name="servings_block2" dmx-bind:value="this_meal_block_mobile.value.servings">
                        <option value="1">1 serving</option>
                        <option dmx-bind:value="$value+1" dmx-repeat:each_serving_option="49">{{$value+1}} servings</option>


The options are there, but it always reverts to the first option. If I remove the stating “1 serving” is then always sets the select to “2”.

Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 7.43.34 AM

Bumping this blocker

Did multiple tests and not able to reproduce, can you confirm this still happens in App Connect rc3?

Thanks Patrick, just loaded rc4 and can no longer replicate the issue. Looks like it was fixed along the way.