AC2 Bug #23 - CHANGE? Reported in Console When Date Picker Displayed

Wappler Version : 6.0 beta 8

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

Displaying a Date Picker shouldn’t create a console message

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

For this datepicker:

									id="i_mt_autosend_time" class="ml-2 b_right2 rc_5 c_right7 fs_80 w_200" name="autosend_time_display" is="dmx-date-picker" timepicker="" minutes-increment="60"
									dmx-bind:value="" format="ddd D MMM YYYY (h:mm a)" utc="true" placeholder="Select date and time:"
									dmx-show="(i_mt_autosend.checked) && ('i') && ('a')">

When the dmx-bind:value is null, the following message appears:


Related to Date Picker Fields not Recognizing Binded Values

That’s not an issue at all. Just a console.log forgotten in the code.

Indeed… so something for Patrick’s To-Do list!

Fixed in Wappler 6 beta 9