AC2 autocomplete does not display list

Wappler Version : 6.2.1 beta
Operating System :
Server Model:
Database Type:
Hosting Type:

Expected behavior

An autocomplete should display items using type ahead

Actual behavior

No items show

How to reproduce

Here is the common server connect (I tried removing socket refresh, but no change):

  <dmx-serverconnect id="get_connected_account" url="/api/1/4/members/subscriptions/get_connected_account" sockets="true"></dmx-serverconnect>

Here is an autocomplete that works in AC1:

<input class="form-control" id="inp_currency" name="currency_code" is="dmx-autocomplete" dmx-bind:data="" optiontext="currency_code.uppercase()+' - '+name" style="width: 100%; height: 3rem" optionvalue="currency_code" onclick="" required="" placeholder="Start typing...">

But in AC2:

Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 2.50.32 PM

The data in the server connect is still available

No errors in the console.

Bump as this one was not assigned.

Just a small question- did you change the number of characters to trigger the autocomplete? As I recall the default was 2 or more.

Perhaps you are thinking of tagify? Other than dynamic validation, an autocomplete does not have this, does it?

But to answer question, there is no number of characters to trigger and the problem persists even with several characters. Showing an example with one letter was probably not the best example!

I just test it myself, creating a sample page and get the same result - no activity.

Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 3.36.17 PM

To ensure the server connection query was returning results, I retrieved it directly and it displayed the results.

Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 3.37.13 PM

ah yes it was the tagify :slight_smile: There is no such option for the autocomplete.

@patrick will investigate.

The few Autocompletes I have left are working fine on AC2. The only difference I can see is that I have not assigned a value for the search field.

I think I figured it out. I went back and looked at the data properties for the text field and they were empty. I re-inserted them and it appears to be working as intended.

@mebeingken, could you look at the data properties for the text field on the page and see if they are empty? Save the page, close the page, check again, then test to see if the autocomplete is working for you?

I can’t reproduce the problem, autocomplete dropdown gets filled in my tests.

I can reproduce it in my system though. Win 11, Wappler 6.3.0, AC2 (Beta).

However it works fine on AC1 (Stable).

@nabila, could you look at the data properties for the text field on the page and see if they are empty? Save the page, close the page, check again, then test to see if the autocomplete is working for you?

It looks like there are times when the settings are not saved on the page which causes the error for me.

The text field is filled with intended data. Regardless, I followed the steps you’ve mentioned and still the same. Even double-checked the code and it looks fine.

Screenshot 2024-03-01 013253

<input id="test_item" name="test_item" type="search" class="form-control form-control-sm" is="dmx-autocomplete" placeholder="Select test to add" dmx-bind:data="" optionsearch="test_code+'  '+test_name" optiontext="test_name" optionvalue="test_id">

The same setup/code works perfectly fine in my test as well. Do you have a link to your page where we can check this?

@Teodor I have found that this bug (for me) is caused by the autocomplete being in a conditional region. Once I remove the condition, it works fine.

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Thanks for the info, @patrick will check this

Did the latest App Connect 2 rc2 maybe fix it, with the latest release candidate we fixed several issues with bindings not working in content and conditional regions.

I was able to reproduce a test-case within a conditional region and have an update that can be tested. (7.3 KB)

Thank you Patrick…confirmed fixed.

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