About Wappler and its small community

Ok Nevil, thanks for the feedback - we will try to be more helpful to your requests and problems.

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Itā€™s huge! Through the use of these forums I have learned some capabilities from support questions that I didnā€™t even know Wappler had. And so many features have come directly from this community. Iā€™m on the Adobe forums every day as well as I am an Adobe Community Professional and I can tell you that the team here goes over and above compared to Adobe team members.

I donā€™t get people that complain about the support. I read every post on here and very seldom do I see one that doesnā€™t get answered.

Well Nevil, we can also do it the Microsoft way, where you pay for the base product and have no support and have an additional dedicated support plan that you pay also like 200 euro per month and be allowed to report only 5 bugs. Will that please you more?

Also the 3500 members here are not all paid members, many use just the free version of Wappler. So your earning calculation is not precisely right.

Only ever received superb support here and back over at DMX, infact itā€™s faultless in my opinion, not one complaint. Sometimes you get out what you put in. Iā€™m not paid nor a ā€˜fanboiā€™, simply a happy User and supporter of a great product. FREE support these days is as rare as free momey, hens teeth, and rocking horse-sh*t. Itā€™s a huge benefit thrown in with the Wappler and should not be underestimated.

No hard feelings Nevil. Just my two cents.


This is again my point, why the snarky response Georgeā€¦ Itā€™s just not good support imo.

I donā€™t know how other companies charge for these kinds of things, but if you would explain it calmly and educate me and then I would understand. Which I now do in this case.

I have zero reference points in this industry, Iā€™m not a coder by trade or anything. I run a 10 person (non-tech) company and I have a just a very different point of view about customer support. But hey maybe Iā€™m just being to demanding. Sorry for being a pain in the ass in that caseā€¦

Thanks Teodor :slight_smile:


You can always give me a shout if you think I can help.


You know Iā€™m always here for you too :smiley:


Not forgetting @Teodor

Love you long time :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, time to jump on

Firstly i will refer you back to a post I made in October 2018 about the direction of Wappler. I saw this discussion coming 6 months ago. As communities grow so do expectations.

As I hope you know I am a massive supporter of the Wappler product and the team. I have been coding since about 1978 and have never experienced a community linked directly with developers like this
Firstly let us consider:

We have a Wappler team of 3 who are responsible for development and support.
They are both highly skilled individuals who could command big wages in the private sector
I donā€™t know the turnover from wappler but i suspect it is in the region of 200-250k per year which is not a huge amount after overheads to pay three highly skilled professionals. (sorry to talk money issues team but it makes the point)
So suggesting they employ full time support is not, i suspect, a viable option, especially as 1 would not be sufficient, they would need 2 or 3 minimum and of course where do you find those Wappler experts to field those questions. (or do the team stop development to train them?)
Thatā€™s why we Ambassadors agreed to try to undertake that function when time allows. But remember we are unpaid and do it as volunteers, we all have our own businesses to run alongside this

These guys have put 12-18hrs a day, 7 days a week into this product and are the most responsive developers I have ever known.

So lets get things into perspective, we cannot expect the speed of Wappler development to continue if the team are fielding support questions all the time.

Many questions are repeats as people are so used to great support that just ask rather than research
Some questions are frankly so open and ill considered they donā€™t really deserve reply but they generally get one. Questions like ā€œhow do i write Facebook 2 in Wapplerā€

So yes, things are not perfect, itā€™s not a perfect world. Wappler is not a multi million pound project (yet), it is an embryonic revolution in web app development.

If you want to be part of it then great, we are stronger together but if it is not for you, no hard feelings, go your separate way and the best of luck in your future endeavours.

As to the team being ā€˜snarkyā€™, i have to be honest and a few items lately i have cringed at replies from team members (not singling out anyone) but having worked in support i kind of understand why as sometimes the questions deserve the reply ā€œRTFMā€ (if you donā€™t know that one google it)

The documentation of Wappler may not be perfect but it is much better now and improving all the time but I ask you to consider what documentation and support you get when you buy a product like Dreamweaver or Pinegrow - basically nothing

So no, the Wappler world is not perfect but it is so much better than many other places. Personally I will continue to try to support the team when needed as I am proud to be involved in this project. Who knows, one day I may write ā€œWappler - The missing Manualā€