About CI/CD

Hi All.
The only thing I know about CI/CD is that it stands for Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment.
Can someone share some for-dummies material to understand CI/CD and some insights on how they use CI/CD with Wappler.


I would love to know this too…

Bump. Anyone?

You can start writing tests that you eventually run on a CI server.

Maybe this new tutorial will help:

Thanks for the link George. Looks very descriptive.
What I am looking for is an understanding of what CI/CD is and how it works in general.
The link you have shared is more of an example tool for implementing CI/CD.

Well here is a general description of CI/CD

Here is another good article

Thanks @George That was informative.
Do you guys use CI/CD for development of Wappler? Would really like to learn some insights from your workflow.

@webmaster Interesting article. Once I get a hang of CI, maybe then the question arises of whether or not CD is required. :sweat_smile:

Github actions are the latest hot and most popular CI that actually makes sense, check:

Before that there was Travis CI but it is no longer recommended to use as it is old limited and getting more expensive.

So go for github actions to automate your publishing anddtedting workflow triggered by just a single github commit/deploy.