Wappler Version : 6.4.2 beta/exp
Operating System : mac
Server Model: node
Database Type:
Hosting Type:
Expected behavior
The dynamic value of a select element should be updated, if the source server connect is reloaded
Actual behavior
If the select value is changed by a user, and the source server connect is reloaded, the value stays set to what the user selected.
How to reproduce
<select id="inp_price_status" class="form-select" dmx-on:changed="flow_price_status.run({tenant_web_price_id: tenant_web_price_id, status: value})" dmx-bind:value="stripe_active?'active':'archived'">
<option value="active">Active</option>
<option value="archived">Archived</option>
When the value of the select changes, a flow is run. In that flow a confirmation is thrown and if canceled, the source of the select value is reloaded.
After the source is reloaded, the value should return to the value provided by the server connect, but instead it retains the user selection.
The select is within a repeat using the server connect data.