A moment to say, thank you!

Many of us are passionate about what we’re building and using Wappler since it’s such a fantastic tool. We have strong opinions on what would make Wappler even better for building and often miss focus on how much it already does.

My app idea has taken much longer to build than I would prefer; a lot of that time waiting for the Wappler team to implement new features (node, SQLite on mobile, app flow, and others) or to correct defects. Still, everything built over the last four years has incrementally increased the value of Wappler.

I couldn’t build my app by myself with any other tool due to the complexities involved. For that, I am very thankful to the Wappler team and look forward to one day sharing my app with everyone (once I get the team to correct a few more defects). :slight_smile:

Onward and upward!


I currently am employed with a good chance to keep working well into my retirement years because of Wappler.

Big thanks to the team and community! :beers: