6.0.0 Beta 1 Praise and Thanks!

Just completed our testing and deployment of 6.0.0 Beta 1 with the Beta Channel Extensions enabled. Quite a big application (Docker/Node/Digital Ocean/AWS) with several thousand users in multiple countries, constantly creating, modifying, and deleting data. We tested 90% of the application locally over the past couple of hours and have not hit one hitch so bit the bullet and deployed (notifying our users to report bugs to us through our support system). We have around three hundred users online right now and no reports!

We are truly thankful for the hard work and effort the team has put in Wappler version 6 and just wanted to say THANK YOU!




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Its a bit like that.


We had slight trepidation as our past experience with some of the Beta updates didn’t work so well so we maintained the decision to roll with the Stable Channel (beta being beta is the nature of the game so we accepted that). And like most of us wanting to update to all the latest ‘things’ it was difficult waiting, but was worth it! Its not an overly complicated application in the scheme of things but it is the foundation for many business’s that rely upon to serve their own Clients interests.

Having seen Kens post:

We have the same issue, so we are not running the *FULL Beta Channel updates (*maybe we are aside from Bootstrap? If that is the case still very happy as no plans to update Bootstrap for this Project).

Screenshot from 2023-07-26 23-27-35

Congrats! What 6.0.0 features are you most excited about for your application given your stack? Are you planning to deploy Couch/Pouch DB? Are you seeing performance improvements with AppConnect 2.0? Plans for an ootb dark mode with Bootstrap 5.3?

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We have separate Electron and Android partner applications where we may make use of the new Couch and Pouch DB integration but we are in no rush as a good 90% of our users are office based. We will however investigate the new features and see what ideas we come up with. If we think it will be of benefit to our Users we’ll roll it out in a future release of these applications.

Our applications is already very fast so for now is quite difficult to ascertain the difference (besides we have only been running the Beta side for a single day so far, we’ll carry out some further tests next week or so). We do make full use of Redis and caching, on top of Cloudflare, which combined makes access to data incredibly efficient. We have learned to only load data that the Client requests, often implementing Flow based retrieval on event triggers fired by the User themselves. No point in loading everything if they only want to see today’s activities, so why load the past activities? We also monitor usage of our application very closely so we have a greater idea of what our Clients are frequenting most, and allow the Client to define their own primary dashboard appearance and contents based on importance. We attempt to understand what they’ll need next and store it locally to their browser before they request it, or at least the initial load data (if its not already cached), we store this in the Data Store in the background while they are carrying out other tasks so they do not notice a delay in retrieval. We don’t always get it right but a good percent of the time we are usually correct. Accounting has a natural flow to it, as do reservations and schedules. Its not too difficult to guess what is coming next.

We already offer light and dark modes within our applications so nothing new for us there!


@Cheese Thanks for the detailed response! Sounds like you have a great thing going already. Onward and upward with Wappler 6!

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Although I’ve known about Wappler for quite a while, I only started using it recently. Since then, there have been several improvements, and I can see that you all work hard.
Thank you for that!



This is awesome and huge congrats, I was curious would you be willing to share what the website is?

@Cheese is a mysterious character working on Nation State top secret projects. If the project was revealed, well, you know. :sweat_smile:


I’m the bogey man!
