500 Server Error after setting up Wappler on another Mac [SOLVED]

I’m brand new to Wappler (coming over from Bubble) and am going through Ken’s getting started tutorials.

I was initially working through the tutorials on my main Mac Mini M1 and just set up Wappler on my older MacBook Air 2012 (macOS 10.15.7) for an upcoming trip.

I managed to open the getting started tutorials project fine on my MacBook Air and the tutorial page was displaying in my browser correctly. The project was saved in a Google Drive folder synced across both computers.

I then went back to my Mac Mini and the table with the list of cars wasn’t showing in the design view. I went to open the page in the browser and got back the error message:
{“status”:“500”,“message”:“A server error occured, to see the error enable the DEBUG flag.”}

I went to the Server Connect Settings and set Debug Mode to on, but the error was the same.

I then made sure my Wappler and Docker versions were up to date. I couldn’t find my NodeJS version via Terminal (node -v), so I re-installed NodeJS using their Mac installer. But I’m still getting the same issue.

I tried deleting and adding the project multiple times but the error is still persisting. I deleted and added the project on my MacBook Air and it’s still displaying correctly. Please note that I did not make any changes to the project on my MacBook Air, but just previewed a page.

Is there any reason why the project that I originally created on my Mac Mini doesn’t display correctly on it now while it works fine on my MacBook Air?


Solved - I started to create a new project on my Mac Mini and realized that a bunch of services started running.

I realized that I probably needed to hit Deploy on my Mac Mini which I did and it’s all working now. Amazing how a simple thing can throw you for a loop.

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