5.5.2 Bootbox 5 still being added to BS4 project

Wappler Version : 5.5.2
Operating System : Mac M1
Server Model: PHP
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: Docker/AWS

When making a change to an inline flow (on a dynamic dmx-on:click button event), the bootbox 5 include is being added to the content page header and therefore, when saved adds the includes to the head page producing the conflict that causes the close button to not show coorrectly an OK/Cancel to not work correctly:

I have tried removing it from the commented header but it adds it back in when the flow is edited and saved

So this happens with the inline flows only?

That’s all I’ve seen it in so far

I just tried a quick test on a page flow and it seems to work OK i.e. no bootbox5 added to the header

Interestingly the inline flow for boot box has this (duplicated options):

but the page flow has this:

(these are both the same content page)

Fixed in Wappler 5.5.3

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