406 Error in Route.js

Wappler Version:3.3.3
Operating System:Windows 10 Pro

Expected behavior

Spa page load?

Actual behavior

Getting 406 error in network tab in chrome dev tools for spa page

How to reproduce

  1. Web application with asp backend.
    2.Wappler version 3.3.3(works fine with previous version)
    3.create an route and html file
    4.Error occurs on load

It is working fine on PHP backend

What server model are you using? How do you call the content page?

I am using asp.net .
created route on index.html file and then entered that path in browser.

So you are using page route? Are you sure page route is properly defined in the routing panel? Also are you sure the page route path is also properly defined?
Please post some screenshots.

dmRouting.zip (5.0 KB)

These are version(3.3.2) files replacing them resolves the error.

Adding to what Mohit has shared…
The routes here are client side. Its an SPA project.
This is based on ASP.NET server model.

We have another SPA project which has PHP server model and we upgraded it to 3.3.3 after we encountered this issue in ASP project. In the PHP project, everything is still working as it was.
We have a thrid NodeJS project too, which uses the 3.3.3 NodeJS SPA and that is working fine too.

The ASP.NET project was working fine until 3.3.2. We updated that today and are now seeing this issue.

Please test following update.

dmxRouting.zip (1.7 KB)

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Yes it resolves the error .

Fixed in Wappler 3.3.5