2 Bugs on App connect (previous version - 5.8.2) Titlecase

UI bug on Title Case description:

Title case also returns string in uppercase and not Titlecase

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If the strings is all uppercase and I use the title case function, should it keep it all uppercase as it does now?

“This uppercase string” converted by titlecase() becomes “This Uppercase String”, but

“THIS UPPERCASE STRING” converted by titlecase() stays “THIS UPPERCASE STRING”?

That is what is happening on my page at the moment.

This is the db string value:

This is with titlecase() applied:

The titlecase keeps the uppercase as it is and only converts the first character of each word to uppercase.

For example: Please read the FAQs will be come Please Read The FAQs and not Please Read The Faqs.


Ok, so best is to convert to lowercase and then just after that to titlecase if strings starts as all uppercase?