Your Mental State While Using Wappler

The music question brought me to thoughts about our mental state while using Wappler…

For me, it is generally a state of deep meditation…

Way better than sitting cross legged with my eyes closed trying to think of nothing!

What is it for you? :thinking:

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Swearing and cursing as it find bugs/quirks :rofl:


I’m still on 3.9.7, so none of that for me! :tada:

I call myself a d*ckhead at least thirty times every Wappler session!

‘Ohhhh you d*ckhead!’



Climaxing when a workaround is found. :banana:


I am far from relaxed when coding… So more the like @Cheese and @Hyperbytes :joy:

Do you also light your house with carbide lamps, burn peat and hunt dinosaurs :rofl:

We are on 5.8.0! so many innovative improvements since then unavailable to you


The innovation I’ve had for the last 2 years is a completely stable platform which allows me to meditate rather than swear and curse! :rofl:

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