Why dont convert HTML to Android or IOS? (Noob Question)

Hello, ladies and gentleman.

I’m new to wappler and one thing I always ask myself is:

Why rebuild our mobile app (new project, new framework…) instead of just building an app that accesses our website?

Ex .: https://gonative.io/ or https://web2application.com/ or

I know that some things we would not have access to (eg Push Notification, access to the gyroscope …) and maybe some performance problems (I don’t know, does anyone have any experience)?

But I believe that for many the simple idea of ​​creating an app that “reads” your website is more than enough for your business … at least in an initial moment or an MVP.

Does anyone have experience in this, could you explain the differences better or would you know how to build this type of app?

Thanks for listening

Have a look at this discussion:

PWA and TWA is one way to go about it.
And certainly you can wrap your web app in an apk/ipk to upload to respective app stores.
For an MVP, this suffices most of the time.
We’ve done it for a Couple such wappler webs apps (only android) - not in public domain though.
There are more services available to do this apart from the links you’ve shared.

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Why would someone download your app if it doesn’t offer anything significantly above and beyond what your website provides? If everything you have to give customers/users is on your website then just promote your website.
A website is also more convenient to visit than to download an app. A chunk of people will look at the app’s description, rating and screenshot and might decide not to download it, so you’ve lost them before they even saw some of your company’s content, services or products. But if you point them to your website they can access your content immediately.
My 2p’s worth.

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