"where" formatter

Wappler Version : 2.5.1
Operating System : Mac OSX Mojave v10.14.5

Archive.zip (2.5 KB)


I’m trying to sum the salaries of 2019 & 2020 from the child repeat to display the same in the parent row.

I’m getting javascript errors in my console, below is my expression. Wondering if this is a bug with the “where” formatter.


Please correct me if I have to fix my expression. Thanks in advance.

Try to enclose the year parameter in back tics and not quotes

Thanks @George for the quick response.

Tried changing the quotes to back-tick like this, still not working.


Btw, I’m on a mac, and I have never seen wappler using back-ticks, is that a windows-thing?

Updated dmxFormatter.js shared by patrick in the other thread fixed half of the problem which is the sum function is getting triggered without any console errors. Both double-quotes & back-ticks seemed to work.

But, the where function is still not working, hence is sum is returning the unfiltered total as below.

thay should be




the type of quotes doesn’t matter, but the == parameter should be on the 3rd place or leave it away since == is the default operator.

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Thanks @patrick. That fixed it…

I think i got confused with the syntax as they are different between server-connect versus app-connect, the parameter is in different locations in the function calls as below. Thanks anyway for the clarification.

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