Wappler update and js/php library files refresh in individual projects

Hi there,

I took a month break, and just updated Wappler to the latest version 2.6.4. I was expecting all the app connect js files & server connect php files to refresh to the latest versions in my project, but that hasn’t happen automatically.

I’m on a macOS machine, I know when wappler is updated, the wappler app under Applications folder & the user folder ~/Library/Application Support/Wappler gets updated.

I’m guessing those projects listed under the project explorer all should get automatically updated when wappler update is installed. Am I wrong?

If it doesn’t automatically update, then how do I manually trigger this?

Is it by removing App Connect local under project level settings & re-adding it?

Or by deleting the existing library files and opening each page in our project and saving those files again? I would hate doing this for every update, hope there is an automatic way!

Save any of your pages and the new CSS and js files will be created and uploaded to the server.

Same goes for the serverside stuff - just save any of your server actions and the latest PHP files will be created.


Thanks @Teodor. Is this a mandatory manual step (saving a client & server side page) after every update?

Any plans to automate this (or prompt the user to update) when opening each project?

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Currently saving page and server connect file is a mandatory action indeed to trigger the update. We plan to improve that soon indeed with a general per project, components update prompt.


Thanks George. That would be awesome, cheers!

Tagging a related helpful convo - General question about asset and component updates.