Wappler to perform mass updates and geocode

Getting house-level accuracy is going to be extremely difficult, simply because OSM planet maps are very poor on this level (if at all).
To provide house-level accuracy, an additional layer is required of all country-level house locations.

For example, for the US, the TIGER 2018 census data can be added to get high-quality US-level houses (although this adds an additional 10GB to the OSM database).

That’s going to be extremely difficult and lengthy to find similar OSM-compatible data for all countries, which could explain why you’re finding it difficult to get that level of accuracy. If you find anything for continental europe that can be used for Nominatim (the OSM interface), I’m all ears!

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Okay thank you for that information. As I know the postal service from switzerland, I’m not speaking about other countries provide very highly accurate LAT/LON informations based on housenumbers. But I guess I need to go with Google Maps GEO forwarding api ? But even then I’m not sure how to pass these data to mysql …

Cause I want to have lat/lon in userdb and if a user signs up, it would be pretty useful to have this informations

Thank you trump :smiley:

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Maybe you’re in luck! My personal house address in France isn’t listed in the OSM planet, but eg
137, Pilkington Avenue, Birmingham, UK
is: https://www.geofabrik.de/projects/geocoding/index.html

Test out some addresses in Switzerland on geofabrik to see what the coverage is like

ok tried. But they dont provide API…?

no, it was just to see whether swiss addresses had house numbers in their online search (the one over the map) - if so, they are incorporated into the OSM world map that I’m indexing (will take a few days) - same from here: https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org

another API with no limits “within reasonable use”

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works very cool! Enough to gather lat/lon data and you can just throw a bunch of address directly to the URL via GET param and get 1 result back which u can define. Thank you for that valuable link!