Wappler not loading due to bad project

@George @Teodor I need guidance to why it’s not loading and how to fix it. Thanks in advance

Wappler - The Visual Web App Creator 2022-01-12 23-09-57

Update - it’s loading but I’m missing one project and the projects don’t load when unless I refresh. When I attempt to open the existing project folder that isn’t loading the project doesn’t appear.

Wappler - The Visual Web App Creator 2022-01-13 00-01-59

try this:

Thanks George - while I didn’t need this at this point of development I am happy to have learned more about the Wappler structure - Business interfered with development plans today. I expect to completely reinstall tomorrow.

The comments in the instructions about the configuration file got me to researching it.

One of the projects.json got some data and duplicated a couple lines. I started recreating the Wappler’s project.json and found the addition of one project consistently duplicated the issue. Diff’ed the individual project.json with another project that installed correctly, removed and everything is back.

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