Wappler Development in 2024

Are you sure you are selecting your serverconnect? Clicking on the lightning bolt should bring up the data bindings panel where you select your query. I don’t see the data bindings panel in your screenshot.

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Thanks, I believe so

but what wever I try i only get Body, not App, like I get on the Samples

Are you sure your main page is saved and App Connect is added on it?

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Can you first perform these steps and show us what is in Network tab and in dmx.app.data? Once that is confirmed you can move on to adding the data to elements on the page.

  1. Create database tables
  2. Create APIs and/or Flows
  3. Add Server Connect or Flow to page
  4. Open page in browser to verify that it’s getting data by checking network tab for success/errors and data using dmx.app.connect in console.

Hi, welcome to the community.

With Wappler you can build the different apps you want to. Just remember that you might have to integrate external libraries for certain requirements which are either unsupported or have basic support.

Bad news, the learning curve is steep. It will not be fast.

I have created a new project using steps 1 to 3, code is:

No Errors in Network, not sure how to proceed with dmx.app.connect in Console?

Please open the main page and check if the app connect include is there. Also make sure the main page is saved.

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  1. Open the console in your browser. This is in the Developer Tools of the browser.
  2. Type dmx.app.data and press ENTER
  3. Look for the name of your server connect, then expand it to see if there is anything in the data section.

If there’s data, then you can move onto connecting it to elements/components on your page. Try something simple like using the “Dynamic Attribute” to bind a value to a paragraph element.


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Very strange, I just did another test and suddenly it was working, after 5 other tests.

Just to be sure I did another one, repeating all steps, and its not working again.

I am wondering if this is related to the fact that there are no obvious save buttons anywhere and one can easily forget to save all the same using CTRL-S.

Will try again, and again…

Check the tabs.
If it have a blue dot, it means it’s not saved

I am pretty sure the issue is related to main page not being saved after the initial creation, or closed without saving. You can simply fix this issue by adding App Connect to the main page from the frameworks menu.

Saving a file is done exactly by using ctrl-s / cmd-s. If you prefer you can use the menu as well …

Yes, I noticed that the main page was popping up suddenly :).

How can I the App Connect to the main page from the frameworks menu, where do I find that?

The main page is automatically opened, when any components are added on the content pages - so their js/css includes are automatically included there. You just need to save it.

Dear all, many thanks for your great support, looks like that I got it working finally :).

It seems that one has to save every single item properly before moving on to the next stage.

This was only part one of my CRUD sample, hopefully tomorrow will be easier.


Every day will get easier. It’s a steep learning curve but one day soon you’ll be working on something then all of a sudden it will ‘click’ and you’ll feel like you then start to make good progress in what you do.

I think the key is to get your hands dirty, get stuck in to creating something, then deal with the issues as they arise.


Yep. And have a real project to work on. Set yourself mini goals and keep at each bit until you succeed.


Okey Dokey, I managed successfully to create a basic listing page and 4 CRUD pages all connected to our online SQL Server.

There where frequent crash’s when inserting BS5 Tables & Forms, hopefully this was solved with todays update.

Now that that’s sorted what would be the steps in creating some kind of interface?

Back-Office as well as Public Pages? Are there any boiler templates one could use?

Also, I have a deep knowledge of ASP.NET & VB.NET but none of PHP, I take it that it might better to move over to NodeJS, despite being a bit trickier on the hosting side.

PS Using Wappler is a bit going back in time when having worked with no-code for some months now, but I can see the benefits in terms of ownership etc…

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Hey again Michael!!

Forgive me for giving you a “general” answer on this from my point of view

  1. You have A GREAT TOOL in your hands… And it is a NO / LOW-CODE tool.
    So, better forget all these programming languages and focus on using the built-in assets/compnents/extensions etc in Wappler. (Javascript would be very handy to code custom functions though… but you will get there on time)
    I mean it is great that you have a programming backgroynd and knowledge but… you don’t really need it.
    It’s like talking about the man that builds an airplane (engineer) and the man that flights the airplane (pilot). The pilot focus on how to flight the airplane and not how it was built…
    YOU ARE A Wappler PILOT buddy!! Open your wings and fly…

  2. You have to spend a few time to watch these video tutorials we have listed above…
    They will make a huge difference… They will change the way you see and WHAT you see when using Wappler.
    It is really like a,b,c… But you have to go through these steps.
    But always you can ask anything in here!!!

  3. And last but not least, just remember that when you ask something here it would be very helpfull for all of us to understand what you have so far and you want to achieve. So, a screenshot or pasting your code here would help us understand if there is a mistake so far and finaly propose sulutions on your questions.

Now, specifically to PHP… You don’t really have to know PHP! You will never have to use php language in here.
NodeJS is great… I’m ready to jump there but I’m thinking of the server setup as you said! Anyway, guys in here will help us on it if we decide it.

Do you have a draft, a template link or a screenshot of what you want to design in order to understand and help you with it?


Use docker in all of your targets, then use the Resource Manager to create the servers and you won’t have to worry about much. Wappler will take care of all that’s needed.