Visual Designer is too big on 1920x1080 screen

A good workman invests in their tools. A bad workman blames them. You can’t be a builder with just a hammer, nor a carpenter with only one chisel. Not calling anyone bad here but we have all heard the saying! You can make the investment or not…

It’s not about the tools and the investment @Cheese… it is about severely restricting where and when some of us can work.

Not everyone just works from home.

None of us will take a 27" 2k monitor on a business trip and get it out on the train!

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Hold on you think you’re the only person travelling to see Clients?

No because just like a builder we don’t take all of our tools with us when we go to estimate a job!!

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Antony we have very different opinions so I’ll simply beg to differ with you. I’m not going to argue over it.

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Love you @cheese!

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Just to be clear…
I travel and work at friend’s houses for a few days…
I travel and work at family’s houses for a few days…
And my home situation doesn’t give room for a 27" monitor.

I own a $7k desktop with multiple 4k monitors, but I also like to work while sitting on the couch, at a coffee shop, or on an airplane with my $2k Thinkpad with its 1920x1080 resolution. It’s not about spending money, it’s about flexibility.

This is like people debating whether websites should be responsive. Whether you like it or not, people use different resolution devices and building apps that are flexible to different screen sizes is important.

For the most part Wappler works fantastic on 1920x1080. It’s only the new Visual Designer with additional panels that needs some tweaking.


This about sums up this thread, perfectly stated there @kfawcett

Just to be clear Wappler will work fine on 1920x1080 but you will have to collapse all the useful panels all the time, so you will be actually restricting yourself.

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Having to collapse useful panels all the time = Wappler working fine?