Verify Contents of a form

I am very new to coding and trying to learn.

I am just starting my site and here is a question I was wondering what would be best work flow to use.

I want them to have a verification page once they click submit a form for an order to review. Then once they verified the info I then to send me the email.

I am just new to wappler and still trying to learn where everything is and kind of under a time crunch for this weekend. I have the form already working and the email sending part works great to. I just want to give the customer one chance to verify before submitting it. If I can not I will just roll with it for this weekend.

Any help or thoughts are appreciated.

Use a mouse on click event on the submit button to redirect to a verification page using the Browser component as in:

<button id="login1_submit" class="btn" type="submit" dmx-on:click="browser1.goto('/verification')">Submit</button>
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Hi Ben thanks for that info. The part I am missing is just the data from the form to be posted within the verification page. I know when I get the email I have everything the way I want it. I just want to have that posted to the customer on the form. That is where I struggle with the the terminology in this workflow using wappler.

Hey @mebroyles01,

You need the data from the submitted form?
If yes, you can get them from the form’s data if you have make them available inside the serverconnect form’s action.

You can do that by adding at the end of your serveraction a database query step with the values that you want to show with the output enabled.

But the above will be available inside the same page with the submitted form…
You can include them in a modal for example without redirecting to another page.

Now if you want to redirect the user on the form’s success event to another page and include the data from the previous page’s form, I think this way it becomes difficult and “unproffesional” without a reason…
You can directly pull those data with a database query in the new page by creating a new serveraction (by checking the identity of the logged-in user and the id of the order he just inserted/updated)

That is about what I have in mind… If you need something else/more please ask here with an example so we understand

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Have a look at:

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