Using tooltips with a button in table row

I have a tooltip defined for a row and also a button in the row. Everything works as expected except when I click the button (it expands another table), the tooltip does not auto hide. Then when you hover over another row, you get multiple tooltips:

Is there a modifier or something that would fix this?

BTW, you can check it out here:
Expand a row by clicking the right arrow on the left, then hover over any other row.

This thread might help.

Setting the focus to another element did seem to work. The problem came in finding one that made sense. I just inserted a “dummy” button on the page and checked Visibility Hidden and Focusable:


Then set the focus to that button on click of the button in the row.

Kind of a hack, and not sure if I like the fact that the focus leaves the button the user just clicked, but it’s better than the tooltip staying there. It would be nice if that could get fixed in the future.