Using app connect values in js functions

years on the x and amounts on the y, but maybe I should fist checkout the formatters in chart.js

I take it the updated file is already includedin current Wappler version?

I tried applying formatting and graph stopped displaying previously.


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Great stuff - missed this when I searched the forum for charts posts.

Is there a way to format the values on the x or y axiz? To add currency formatting there as wel? Or just number formatting at least?

Here’s an updated version of the charts component which allows formatting for the axis labels. (2.5 KB)
label-x and label-y properties have been added, so you can use them like

label-y="$value.formatCurrency('$', '.', ',', 2)"
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I just peed my pants a little from excitement! Thanks so much!

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This has been added to the charts component in Wappler 4.4.0

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