Use one download button to download csv files based form filters

I don’t know if file download is working for you, but I’m having some troubles that I’ll report tomorrow…

In the meantime:
You can do this with another server action, that filter what you have on page = what the table is showing.

Maybe you can follow this, please sorry if I misunderstood your question.
I hope at least this can give you some idea :slight_smile:

I have a table called csv1 wich has roles and year fields:


Then I create server connect with two get inputs:


And a query with this condition:

What you see in red means that if there’s no value under $_GET.role/$_GET.year then all values are listed.
If some value is set, then it will filter the query.
If the year/role are required, just delete them.

If we preview the query:



Now I create a setvalue which contains a random number in this case an UUID

The reason I’m doing this is because I want an unique name for the csv file.

And the csv exports look like:


On the client side I have the server connect with no autoload:


And 2 selects:



I create a button that will call the server connect with dynamic event success:

As you can see both $_GET values are selected from both select input.
It can be the same select that filters your table that’s on your screenshot

So If I preview this:

And the files are created


Now I add the browser component:


And on the server connect I select success dynamic event:


And then I click on browser go to step and set the path where the created CSV is:

As you can see there’s a dynamic value there, which is the name of the csv file:

So the csv will be downloaded with the filtered results:


I hope this can help you !

Edit: If no data is available, no csv will be created, then it will throw an error as Data is empty, so you can use dynamic error event and display some message

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