Upload, Resize and Insert Images in App Connect Medium Editor

What settings do you have in resize step?

do you mean these

So did I find a bug or am I doing something incorrectly :sos:

I don’t know, I will check your issue tomorrow. It’s 22:45 here and I am not in the office.

No worries, not an emergency - thanks and have a good night!

@norcoscia please enable the debug option in server connect so i can inspect your site!

Sorry for the slow response it is 4 AM here just got up - should be set now…

Please zip and send me this file as a personal message: dmxConnect/api/UploadImageResize.php

The issue has been fixed.
Wrong path in load image step was selected.

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For some odd reason the upload (+) sign disappears when I click it.20190612noupload
Doesn’t show at all when first inserting tekst.
So unable to upload an image.
Pse help!

Please provide a link to your page, where we can check this.


Just set an empty value in the the tabindex property of the modal:


Ok, that worked for “insert new record”. Should it work the same way for “edit record” when tekst is already in textarea?

You should do this for all the modals containing the medium editor.

I did that, but it seems I cannot upload an image in the textarea when updating the record, while there is tekst in the textarea. So I have to upload the image before adding text to either modal

What do you mean? What is the issue with this?

Ok, lets say I have a record already in the database.

  • the textarea contains a text
  • I want to add an image
  • No can do, as the upload will not show up.
    Also I now get an “image upload error” anyway.
    I know, I know. I Always start off like this. :hot_face::unamused:

@web-works the image upload button shows when you hit enter and go to a new line …
as for the upload error it’s not really related. You should debug and see what is the problem as described here: