Updating an old website


does anyone have any suggestions regarding best practise on updating an exisiting website to a Wappler built one?

I need to keep the existing website up and running until the client is happy with the new version, so do I build on a different domain and then once finished copy it to the true domain or build in a sub-domain of the existing site?

I go with either a sub-domain of the live site or I use a sub-domain on one of my domains. I don’t think there are any ‘best practices’ for this, it’s just whatever you prefer.

If the new site is being built on the same hosting plan then the first option is probably easier. If you’re hosting the new dev site then the second option might be better.

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Thank you for your comment, I’m just trying to workout the best way to upgrade sites I created in DW with DMXZone Apps over to the new Wappler ones.

The last site I did I used a different domain but the same database, then once finished, removed the old site and copied everything over.

If you are using the beta version there is no need for another live server. You can use the new Ngrok feature to allow your local server to be live. It’sa great feature.

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Brad, where can we learn how to setup the new Ngrok feature? Is this what you’re referring: Sharing Local URLs with Ngrok

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Yes thats the documentation explaining it.


Yes, that’s it J.R. It works remarkably well for a new feature. Allows me to provide access for remote users to my local dev environment without having to set up a live server and domain. Gets my vote for one of the top new features of Wappler 5. Very easy to use.

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Great! Can’t wait to try it out. Thanks…