Hi @psweb ,
I’m sorry for not replying to you sooner. I also teach in a school that got a call that it was being inspected just after posting - kind threw everything into turmoil!
OK the function within the fullcalendar initialisation:
dateClick: function(info) {
var edt = info.dateStr+' '+$('#select2').val();
var butarr = {'date':edt, 'id':ic, 'dateonly':info.dateStr, 'timeonly':$('#select2').val()};
info.dayEl.style.backgroundColor = 'olivedrab';
daycounts[info.dateStr] = (daycounts[info.dateStr]+1) || 1;
newbookdates['reserved'] = arrayRemove(newbookdates['reserved'], edt);
info.dayEl.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
The dmx.app.set works each time a date is selected however the repeat that looks at it only updates once the screen is scrolled rather than when the variable has been updated:
<div id="repeat1" is="dmx-repeat" dmx-bind:repeat="newbook.buttons">
<button class="btn btn-outline-secondary mb-2" dmx-on:click="removebookentry('{{dateonly}}', '{{date}}', '{{id}}', '{{timeonly}}')" dmx-html="date.concat('    <i class=\'fas fa-times\'></i>')"><i class="fas fa-times"></i>Button</button>
I was wondering if I should use dmx.app.set each time or if there was a different command for updating a variable that had already been set? Something like dmx.app.update?
Thanks for looking at this; I really appreciate it.