Update database connection settings bug

Wappler Version : 3.9.2
Operating System : Windows 10
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type: MS SQL
Hosting Type: Docker

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

I assume that what should happen is when changing direct database connection configuration from the db manager the connection option settings under database connection in server connect should update as well

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

The connection option settings in server connect remain unchanged and not updated as I think should happen

How to reproduce

Create a new db connection from db manager and save changes
After that check the db connection details in server connect and make sure they are correct
Try changing the connection settings from db manager,
then check if those changes reflect in the db connection settings in server connect.

I am not completely sure how wappler db connection works, but I think this is a bug, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

What changes exactly are you referring to? Can you show some screenshots showing what’s not changed but you think should be?

Yes sure. For example in my case I tried changing the host IP:

  1. I created a new db connection in development target:

  2. I configured the db connection in staging target but with different host IP then the development target

  3. Then, while I am still on staging target I went back to server connect db connection settings only to find same host IP as I configured on the development target and not the one which I updated in db manager:

The same thing happened to me the first time when I had an existing connection, then I changed host ip on db manager, the changes did not reflect on the server connect connection settings for the same target, and I got stuck for hours trying to understand why connection was not working until I read this Invalid target configuration error when connecting to database and then I thought about server connect connection settings

Give it a try and let me know if it works on your end

Server Connect connection is different than the direct connection (database manager) and that is by purpose, not a bug.
Usually direct connection details are different than the server connect ones, so you need to be able to alter one of them without overwriting the other and breaking the connection …

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Sorry my bad, I didn’t know that they were different.