Undo not working

Undo not working consistenly.

Could you explain more in detail what do you mean. Maybe give a step by step example

Recording.mov (4.0 MB)
Doesn’t matter what I do it just does not work.

Actually I see it works only while editing code…

Ho George.

I uploaded a video. Undo does work in code mode but not in Design mode.


4 posts were split to a new topic: Styles Panel not functioning as expected

@patrick will check this out

I too have seen this a lot. Undo looks like its not working, but if you refresh the page or close and re-open, changes are seen.
Its very inconsistent when using multiple times. Design and Code view often go out of sync when undo/redo is used.
I have lost code twice in the past 2 days. Was able to recover thanks to OneDrive’s file version history.

Also, in code view, focus keeps shifting to top of the page for some reason and have to click undo multiple times (or Ctrl+Z) before actual code unto happens.

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