Unable to configure Google OAuth

Hey, everyone. I’m trying to build an app where user can register and login using Google account. I follow up tutorial to setup Google OAuth in wappler. But When I click to view in browser, I’m getting this error. Please Help @Teodor @patrick @ben @George

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also, there’s no need to tag people in every topic you create. We see all the topics.

I’m getting this error. May be it’s a bug or something. I’m using Wappler 5.8.2

What version of PHP are you using on your server?

Default PHP version provided by wappler.

Updated the script, please test.

Oauth2.zip (3.3 KB) unzip to dmxConnectLib/lib/oauth.

Now I’m getting this error…

Or sometimes this error…

This error means you’ve most probably not properly configured the redirect uri, there are a lot of posts if you google this error: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11485271/google-oauth-2-authorization-error-redirect-uri-mismatch