Tutorial: Mobile App notification and camera


I search over Wappler Docs and this community and couldn’t find a tutorial about create a mobile app with notifications and/or how to use the device’s camera!!

Is there a “wappler way” to build it?

Thanks and have a great week!

Hi Otavio,

You are better off checking the Cordova docs.


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Hi there,

I need similar functionality in my app too. Have you had any success?


Covered the camera here:

… Is pretty much the same for every Plugin with Cordova. Include/install the Plugin. Insert the JavaScript. Most Plugins have demo sample code which is usually quite easy to implement.


Hi Dave, I’m using the capacitor. Can I integrate the same code?

Hi @revolution,
Firstly welcome to Wappler! You will need to use the Capacitor plugin as the above is for Cordova. Should not be too dissimilar to get up and running. The following should help to get you started:

Thank you! I have tried with the Cordova plugin (it is provided in capacitor) and it works great.

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Oh man! I saw ‘tutorial’ in the topic and got excited! I would love to be able to do notifications on my mobile app. Feel bummed out now. :wink:

You can now access your device camera and photos for mobile and desktop apps. Please check:

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