Thanks for V4 and the hard work but ... some wishes

Until the documentation gets refreshed please ask for help in the Community. Your questions will be answered, and in the majority of circumstances an answer has probably already been provided. If you do not find an answer after searching then please post your questions.

The game of tennis that is “I’m right you’re wrong” has to stop.

There are many opinions shared within this topic. Validating one over the other repeatedly is not what this Community is about. Discussion is fine until it breaks down in to picking at each-other like Crows.

The Team are working on new documentation every week. It will catch-up. BUT until it does PLEASE ask in the Community.

Further bickering will result in this Topic being locked.

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#1 simple question: did you ever work in product / SaaS / Startup?
I guess you did not.

#2 It is just because it’s the same old story over and over again and it’s as offputting

It means there is a need. Like it or not.

#3 People that complain about documentation are a minority. Vocal, but still a minority.

Do you have the Kpi ? Without retention & Churn it's hard to get a full picture. What i can tell you is that i have brought 15+ people into wappler and 100% left after few days or week. Reasons :

  1. poor onboarding.
  2. poor documentation.
  3. no academy / trainings / workshops etc.
  4. waste of time and energy to spend hours on this forum.

#4 It is what it is. Either you accept it, suck it up and build something or you don’t. The sooner people understand this, the better for all.

i got the answer to my question #1

PS : you didn't have the same opinion 2 years ago when you started using wappler ))

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I have closed and unlisted this topic and referred my decision to do this to Teodor.


This topic was turning into a non-civilized discussion, which our community is not supposed to be a place for so thanks Dave for taking care.
If some of the participants in this topic want to suggest something constructive to our team, regarding the initial topic, feel free to contact me in a personal message. We don’t want “fights” in the community.